We welcome donations of materials that can be added to our collection or sold to support our programs, including:
Due to space and sorting limitations, we can only accept 2 bags or boxes at a time.
All items must be in good or better condition. Items in poor / unsellable condition, or for which there is no market, create a financial burden for the Library and extra work for volunteers.
Please do NOT bring:
Donations may be brought in boxes or bags to the blue door book shed located in the Meadow Parking Lot on Atlantic Avenue on Tuesdays from 9am – 12pm. Please do not leave donations at any other time – the weather will get to them before our volunteers do.
We rely on volunteers who generously give their time to accept, sort, and pack your donations. Due to their time and our space limitations, we can only accept 2 bags or boxes at a time. Please be prepared to wait for a few minutes while a volunteer accepts your donation.
If you have a donation larger than 2 bags/boxes or are unable to come on a Tuesday morning, please call the Library at (207) 236-3440. A staff member will collect and forward your information to a volunteer who will contact you to make alternative arrangements.
Please do not bring donations directly to the Library. We can only accept donations at the Blue Door Book Shed.
Thank you for your support of the Camden Public Library!