On March 1, 2017, the Maine InfoNet Download Library switched from using the OverDrive platform to the Cloud Library platform to deliver ebooks and audiobooks to library members. The collection has recently been added to in recognition of very high demand and this special at-home time.
I have used Cloud Library before: Camden Public Library has provided its own Cloud Library for several years, and existing users do not need to take any additional steps. You will simply be able to see thousands of new ebook titles, as well as have access to audiobooks (new!).
I am new to Cloud Library: If you previously used the Maine InfoNet Download Library through OverDrive platform, please see the updated Cloud Library FAQ section. Get started by downloading the app for your iPad/iPhone, your Android device or your PC/Mac.
Placing holds: If the Maine InfoNet Download Library (a consortium of libraries in the state of Maine) and the Camden Public Library have both purchased copies of the same ebook, you will see that 2 copies are listed. If both are checked out, Camden Library members will have priority when placing a hold on that title, moving up in the holds line.
CLICK HERE TO EXPLORE! https://ebook.yourcloudlibrary.com/library/CamdenPublicLibrary/Featured
Cloud Library by Bibliotheca(previously known as 3M Cloud Library) |
Support and FAQ |
On October 22nd, 2021, Maine Infonet gave Maine libraries access to Library Pass: ComicsPlus. It’s an online repository of graphic novels, comics, and manga. There are no holds, so you can check out whatever you’d like to read anytime you’d like.
Download the app for either iOS or Android or visit their website. Type in your public library (Camden Public Library ME), and give them your library card number. (On the app, you can type in the last four digits of your library card for your pin.) After that, you’re all set to start reading.
Check it out here! https://library.librarypass.com/
Camden Public Library and 140 other Maine libraries joined together to provide the Maine InfoNet Download Library. It’s a collection of several thousand, and growing daily, ebooks and audiobooks which you can borrow free of charge using your library card number.
Some Cloud Library titles are purchased directly by the Camden Public Library using Camden Public Library funds. The collection is small, currently about 300 titles (revised March 1, 2017), and features, almost exclusively, best-sellers and high-demand titles. After March 1, 2017, all members of the Maine InfoNet Download Library consortium will have access to these titles. However, Camden Public Library cardholders will have priority in placing holds on these titles. If the book you want to check out is purchased by Camden Public Library and is currently checked out with holds by non-Camden patrons, you can place a hold at any time which will move you to the top of the holds list, thereby granting a shorter waiting time.
Maximum number of check-outs at one time is 3. Books are checked out for 14 days.
Project Gutenberg has many titles available to download for free, primarily non-copyrighted classics.