Camden Public Library welcomes Jean Matlack, a member of the nonprofit Midcoast Maine Green Burial (MMGB) for a presentation on Thursday, May 15, at 6:30 p.m. in the Picker Room.
MMGB is a local, grass-roots volunteer organization formed to promote the creation of a green burial cemetery in Knox, Waldo or Lincoln County, Maine. All are welcome and light refreshments will be provided.
The Green Burial Council, a national educational and certifying organization, defines Green Burial as “a way of caring for the dead with minimal environmental impact that aids in the conservation of natural resources, the reduction of carbon emissions, the protection of worker health, and the restoration and protection of habitat.” It also offers a healing way for the loved ones of those who have died to move through this challenging time of loss.
Jean Matlack will present about the basics of green burial. After the presentation, there will also be an opportunity to speak privately with a member of Midcoast Maine Green Burial.
Jean Matlack is a retired psychologist living in the Camden/Rockport area since 2005 and has been concerned about environmental matters for many years. When she learned that green burial offers an earth-friendly way to car for our dead, she became an advocate. Jean found many others who were of like mind, and in May 2023 founded Midcoast Maine Green Burial to educate and advocate for green burial. Their vision is to manifest a green burial ground in Knox, Lincoln, or Waldo county.