The Camden Public Library is planning for its future: a community that creates young readers, inspires lifelong learning, and is graced by a building and parks that together have earned the distinction of being a National Historic Landmark.Our library is a reflection of our town. Its reputation is one of civic pride, an engaged citizenry, and a literate community. Americans check out an average of eight books a year – in Camden, the average is more than 20. And unlike many municipalities across the country where all or most of the library’s budget comes from the town’s coffers, more than half of our library’s revenue comes from the generosity of our citizens.Despite our success, each year we scramble to fill a budget gap of 10% – and to date, we have been successful. But we are thinking and planning for the future, and want to ensure that our lights stay on and our lantern on the hill remains lit for all.We believe in creating community through lifelong learning. From babies to older adults, we help people connect. We do this by delivering nationally-recognized services, hiring engaging staff who make us feel like we are a part of something special – and, yes, we have lots of books, too. Want to help the Camden Public Library remain this amazing jewel for generations to come? Please join us.
The Campaign for the Future will help us ensure that our library will remain our vibrant center of public life, in times of need and times of abundance.
Anonymous (2)
Donald and Penny Abbott
Ray and Nancy Adams
Will Addis
David and Liz Albertson
Dr. and Mrs. Terence Albright
Andrew and Maria Aprill
Olena Babak
Karen A. Backman
Charles Fenner Ball
Skip and Kate Bates
Rebecca Beardsley, in memory of Ralph Dority*
Christopher and Charlotte* Beebe
Pat and Cindy Behling
Ken and Sheilah Bishop
Keith and Diane Blizzard
Connie and Bob Bock
Elizabeth J. Boogusch, M.D.
Reade and Martha Brower
Dale and Doug Bruce
John Burns and Natalie Travia
Mr. and Mrs. James Burrell
Jason Burwen
Silvio Calabi and Sue Bramhall
Camden Brain Injury Support Group
Camden Rotary Club
Julie Cawley*
Courtney Cease
Susan Stasiowski and Dan Cheever
O’Ann and Patrick Christiansen
Sheila and Tom Clark
John and Ellen Claussen
Dianne R. Conover
Susan Conrad, in honor of Susan Fitzgerald
Daniel Corey
Mark and Jen Coursey
Jacquelyn Cressy
Samuel Crouch
Leslie Curtis and Don Peccerill
Cheryl Oliveri-Daly and Dan Daly
Emilie Daniel
John and Barbara Davidson
Davis Family Foundation
Theresa and Jeffrey Davis
Kathy and Jack Deupree
Susan M. Deutsch and F. Carlisle Towery
Ken DeWaard
Phil Dinkins and Ed Lally
Deb and Jeffrey Dodge
Marsha Donahue
Dave and Kate Doub
Ed and Vicki Doudera
Carol L. Douglas
Catherine Downey
Cooper Dragonette
Diane Dubreuil
Julia Duke
Penny Dunning
Catherine Eagleson
Kristina Early
Christina Eckerson
Patty Eddy
Ron and Mary A. Elligott
Laura Evans
Toni Federle
Anne Fellows*
Jay and Antonia Munroe Fischer
Jill Fisher
Dana Fittante and Shawn Stockman
Abigail and John Fitzgerald
Des FitzGerald and Lucinda Ziesing
Susan and Peter Fitzgerald
David and Elizabeth Fleury
Susan and Shane Flynn
Don and Molly Foster
Valerie Foster
Karen Foxwell
Suzanne P. Fuhrman
Eugene Furst
Jacob and Terry Gerritsen
Stephan Giannini
David and Karen Giansiracusa
Maureen and Robert Gordon
Lisa Gorman
Roberta Goschke
Janny Goss
Charlie and Dorothea Graham
Susan* and Robert C. Griffin
Claudia and Michael Griffiths
Jennifer Gromada and John Cummings
Carol Hager
Brian Harden
Brian Harden, in memory of Warren Bodine*
Nir and Molly Harish
Jason Hearst and Sarah Welsh
Charles and Martha Henderson
Elizabeth R. Henry
Michael Heskett
Alison Hill
Estate of Vera J. Hill
Sue Hopkins and Bob Carter, in loving memory of Norm Shaddick*
Clark and Ashley Horgan
Jill Hoy
David and Lucinda Hutchison
Armando and Debra Incera
Roger Inhorn and Victoria Masakowski
Rich and Hildy Itkin
Carol Jackson
Dave and Nancy Jackson
James and Betty Jacobs Family Charitable Trust
Eric Jacobsen
Jane Johnson
Patricia and Rendle Jones
Louis C. Kandl
Mary Kelley and John Rixon
Monica Kelly
Janis and Peter H. Kesser, Esq.
Ben Kimball
Jim and Catherine Kinsella
Kathryn and Andrew Klaber
Elinor Klivans
Ryan Kohler
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Lane
Nancy Lannamann Laite and Parker Laite, Jr., in memory of Bob and Barbara
James R. Lannamann, in honor of Robert and Barbara Lannamann*
John and Carole Lannamann, in memory of Bob and Barbara Lannamann*
Vanessa and Dan Lannamann, in memory of Barbara Lannamann*
Traci and Mark Lerner
Susan and Jeff Lewis
Sarah Ruef-Lindquist
Robin and Tamara Lloyd
Estate of Leonard Owen Lookner
Colleen Lowe
Leslie Luther
Rodney Lynch
Nikki Maounis
Martha Martens
Rosalee and David McCullough*
Jonathan and Emily McDevitt
Dennis and Judith McGuirk
Alison McKellar and Vincent Jones
Patrisha McLean
Elizabeth McLellan
Mitchell and Jan McMillen
Jonathan McPhillips
Nathaniel S. and Sally Ann Merrill
Joseph D. Messler, Jr.
Pat Messler
Matthew Meyer
Nathaniel Meyer
Sue Michlovitz and Paul Velleman
Allison Middleton
Frederick and Georgene Moon
Andrew and Elizabeth Moran
Noel Morelli
Jeremy Morgan
Caroline Morong, in support of the Ann H. Symington Endowment
Taylor Mudge
Jeanne Murphy
Jim and Pat Nelson
James Nickelson and Becky Anderson
Donald and Alice Noble Foundation
Arthur Norton* and Jennifer P. Marks
Elaine and Paul O’Brien
Bob Olfenbuttel
Gerald and Kimberly Opiela
Colin Page
Cathy Landau-Painter
Mark and Shelli Paolucci
Jennifer Parmalee
Keith and Priscilla Patten
Michael and Margaret Perlis
Betsy Perry and Neale Sweet
Sue Penberthy Pfau
Gale Picker and John Larsen, Brant Foundation
Mike and Kate Pierce
Mary Pomatto
Rothwell and Leigh Pool
Cyndi Prince
James Putnam
Theodore and Filomena Raia
Tim and Mary Ellen Raymond
Rick Rector
John and Cynthia Reed
Lisa Renton and Scott Redfern
Diana Rigg
James Rockefeller, Jr., and Marilyn Moss Rockefeller