The library offers an opportunity for the public to have one-on-one career help. A representative from the Maine Department of Labor’s Career Center will have open “office hours” every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. on the ground floor of the library.
This is a FREE service for members of the community who are seeking assistance with job and career-related matters Learn more about these services below and explore this page to discover more resources to assist with job searches, training, and more.
Job Opportunities Page
A list of job seeker resources and job boards.
Maine JobLink
Job search, resume assistance, and access to educational and training resources.
CareerCenter of Maine
Comprehensive site with a job search function and information about local resources and hiring events, veteran and disability resources, and workshop/training opportunities.
CareerCenter of Maine Resource Guide
Downloadable PDF
Maine State Library
List of job resources, courses, and webinars, including training opportunities for creating resumes, interviewing, and gaining computer skills.
U.S. Department of Labor page with training resources, assistance with finding local resources, and job search tool.
New Ventures Maine
Organization to support career development and small business ventures for Maine residents, including free in-person and online workshops and coaching.
Live and Work in Maine
Maine-specific job search
Penobscot Bay Regional Chamber of Commerce
Local job board
Knox County VillageSoup
Local job board
Maine Association of Nonprofits
Job board for Maine nonprofit organizations
Maine-specific job search engine
National job search engine and free resume builder
National job search engine
Hosts search engine that connects people with “action-driven” jobs, internships, and graduate schools
Virtual career fairs and employment advice for people with disabilities
Resource guide to assist people with disabilities and their families in navigating employment
U.S. Department of Labor
The DOL’s resource page for people with disabilities
Hire Heroes USA
Employment assistance, including job board, for military members, military spouses, and veterans
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Employment toolkit for veterans