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Historypin is an online site where visitors to the site can comment, tag, and post pictures of their own to complement the historical photos posted by the History Center.   The pinned photos can be seen here.

If you would like to pin a picture or write a comment about our channel, you need to set up a free Google account through Historypin. Historypin is a way for millions of people to come together, from across different generations, cultures and places, to share small glimpses of the past and to build up the huge story of human history. Everyone has history to share: whether it’s sitting in yellowed albums in the attic, collected in piles of crackly tapes, conserved in the thousands of archives all over the world or passed down in memories and old stories. Each of these pieces of history finds a home on Historypin, where everyone has the chance to see it, add to it, learn from it, debate it and use it to build up a more complete understanding of the world.

Join us in a photographic exploration of our town!